Issue #1 - Jun 19th, 2007
Software Suite for Durability, Damage Tolerance, and Life Prediction
Complementary Solution to Augment NASTRAN, ABAQUS & ANSYS
This Week's Feature Highlight
GENOA 4.2 Update 1 Release Announcement
The latest 4.2.1 release contains significant improvements in many modules and new features such as Filament Winding Fluid Weight support, Real Time Graph monitoring, and a new HTML Help System for fast searching and efficient viewing of the user manuals.
List of Significant Features and Updates:
- New HTML Help System added to GUI
- GUI support for RBE2 elements in NASTRAN
- ABAQUS translator support for nlgeom as largedisplacement, nset information, and surface definition for DSLOAD
- Rotational force option included in PFA using NASTRAN and Body Force option in NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, and ABAQUS as FE solvers
- Intermixing of Fiber/Matrix and Lamina in Ply Schedule Editor for PFA (PFO, MUA, MCA, and MCO modules do not support this feature)
- Added Monte Carlo and Advanced Mean Value Plus Probability Methods in the Probability Analysis module
- Residual Stress Panel added to GUI under Setup menu where it reads the *.mhs file generated by Filament Winding Module
- Fluid weight can be selected as an option for considering induced stresses under Filament Winding Module
- Merge tab added to the Filament Winding Module where frictionless contact can be defined using ABAQUS as FE solver. The feature also allows frictionless contact to be defined for the MHOST and NASTRAN FE solvers by automatically wrting tying equations in the normal direction.
- DCZM module extended for surfaces defined by shell and solid elements
- TYING NODES and Pressure capabilities extended for LS-DYNA FE Solver
- Strain Gage option implemented to monitor stresses and strains along the user defined direction
- New Real Time Graph option added in GUI for monitoring any property of nodes and elements.
Click here to read the full list of changes and fixes in GENOA 4.2.1.
Did You Know?
Using Multiple Solvers and Formats with GENOA
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