Issue #5 - August 23rd, 2007
Software Suite for Durability, Damage Tolerance, and Life Prediction
* Best Performance and Verified Solutions with MSC NASTRAN
This Week's Feature Highlight: Crack Growth for Metal and Composite
Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) &
Discrete Cohesive Zone Model (DCZM)
Based on fracture mechanics approach, VCCT (Virtual Crack Closure Technique) and DCZM (Discrete Cohesive Zone Model) can be used to simulate crack growth and are supplementary to the PFA (Progressive Failure Analysis) of GENOA. VCCT is applicable to linear elastic materials. It can also be used as a tool to compute the strain energy release rate and to estimate the fatigue life and residual strength. DCZM has the capability to model the material softening. They are applicable to, but not limited to, delamination of face sheets/cores in sandwich materials, failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints; fast crack propagation and arrest in pipe lines; interface failure analysis in MEMS devices; and crash and crush analysis.
Click here to receive demo and presentation of VCCT & DCZM.
Figure 1 - Boeing 747 Crown Panel Fuselage Section |
Figure 2 - NASA Push-off Test with Honeycomb, Adhesive Bond, & Polymer Composite |
VCCT and DCZM Features:
- Not sensitive to the FEA mesh size.
- Not require the singular crack element and therefore, they are easy to apply without much extra work in mesh preparation.
- Calculations are based on the nodal displacements and nodal forces and therefore, they do not increase the problem size and thus are computational efficient.
- Work with most of commercial FEA software such as MSC.NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, MSC.MARC and MHOST.
- Can be used with material strength theory.
- Virtually represents damage propagation by element removal, node split, and adaptive meshing techniques.
- Supports various loading conditions such as quasi-static, impact, cyclic (low, high and two stage fatigue, random fatigue, PSD fatigue) and creep.
- Delivers robust computational performance, rapid convergence and efficient CPU time.
- Captures the load vs. displacement curve after the ultimate load.
1. De Xie, Zhongyan Qian, Dade Huang, and Frank Abdi, "Crack Growth Strategy in Composites under Static Loading", 47th AIAA-2006-1842, Newport, RI, May 1-5, 2006. Click here to read the publication document.
2. Thomas S. Gates, Xiaofeng Su, Frank Abdi, Gregory M. Odegard, and Helen M. Herring, "Facesheet Delamination of Composite Sandwich Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures", Journal of Composite Science and Technology, 2006.
Click here to read the publication document.
2. Thomas S. Gates, Xiaofeng Su, Frank Abdi, Gregory M. Odegard, and Helen M. Herring, "Facesheet Delamination of Composite Sandwich Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures", Journal of Composite Science and Technology, 2006.
Click here to read the publication document.
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