Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On-Demand Webinar on GENOA Tutorial

Durability & Damage Tolerance (D&DT) of composite structural components is an important task that several aerospace, automotive and other industries have to go through to ensure reliability. Traditionally, analyses are performed using homogenized ply properties. The results, however, do not predict the test because of highly heterogeneous nature of the composite plies. GENOA D&DT Software package utilizes micro-mechanics while considering uncertainties including effect of defects based methodology and empowers commercial FE solvers with several in-built specialized capabilities. The focus of the software package is to help engineers minimize testing (small to large scale) without the loss in accuracy. Score of applications have been verified against several classes (glass, carbon, etc.,) of composites

On-Demand Webinar on GENOA  Tutorial

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Newsletter #22 - Structural Health Monitoring Test Validation

Newsletter #22 - Structural Health Monitoring Test Validation

Board size
a) Board Only
b) LED, External Antenna
Figure 1. Wireless strain gauge sensor with multiple source of power input
a) Pristine - undamaged panel
a) Damaged panel (diamond cut in center)
Figure 2. Fabricated composite stiffened panels
Background: AlphaSTAR Corp. developed and validated wireless integrated strain monitoring and simulation system for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of composite structures [1]. The system is made up of hardware and software components for use in damage detection, maintenance, and repair of critical structures. The hardware consists of wireless strain gauge sensors (Figure 1) and Zigbee network. The software is an extension to an existing suite of an SHM system based on a diagnostic-prognostic system (DPS) methodology [2].  The SHM-DPS system uses multi-scale nonlinear physics-based progressive failure analysis to determine residual strength, remaining service life, and inspection intervals and maintenance procedures. The system was validated by applying it to monitor the performance of pristine and damaged composite aircraft panel structures (Figure 2).   
Objective: The newsletter describes a test verified wireless strain monitoring system for structural health monitoring of composite structures. The capability is demonstrated on aircraft composite stiffened panels that were manufactured, instrumented, and tested under compressive loading. The objective here is demonstrate the SHM-DPS system and to evaluate the "as-is" state of the structure and validate the wireless strain measurement.  
Figure 3. DPS interactions for SHM - strain data from wireless sensor: red and green light threshold strain (red means strain limit is exceeded)
 Approach:  The integrated structural health monitoring system transmits, stores, and processes strain data from a network of wireless sensors to monitor damage events at single or multi-site critical locations. Damage events that are captured include matrix cracking, delamination, and fiber tensile and compressive failure[3,4]. The multi-scale damage analysis uses commercial finite element software and is capable of handling tape, 2D, and 3D composite architectures. It comes with built-in strength and strain based failure mechanisms.  The sensor monitors the structure's local deformation and transmits strain data in real time for display over a network to allow remote monitoring of the process status as shown in Figure 3.  When damage is detected, the system provides a range of material options for repair and overall properties, life, and residual strength are recalculated.     
 Application:  A building block strategy was used to validate the DPS-SHM system. ASTM coupons, single stiffener (element level), and stiffened panels (sub-component level) made from carbon fiber reinforced polymer material were manufactured, instrumented, and tested to failure as described in reference [5]. The ASTM coupon tests were used to characterize the composite material by deriving a validated set of fiber/matrix/ply properties for use in the SHM of the panels. The first panel was pristine ("as-is" and damage free) while the second panel sustained some damage in the form of a diamond cut in the center Figure 4 shows the stiffened panels that were
Figure 4. Instrumentation and Testing of Composite Panel
instrumented with wired and wireless strain gauges. Figure 5 shows the damage in the panel with a diamond cut after testing. The analysis simulated properly the debonding of the stiffeners observed in the test.  The diamond cut contributed to a reduction in the maximum load of 42% as compared to that of the pristine panel.   The load displacement from analysis and validated with test is shown in Figure 6.  The wireless strain data collected as the panel was loaded in compression is shown in Figure 7. Changes detected in the strain pattern are indication of changes in material properties and in boundary conditions of the structure.   Strain collected from test wirelessly is stored and compared to threshold values from multi-scale simulation to determine potential risk to the structure. The technology is generalized and is applicable to all types of structures including those used in aerospace vehicles, automotive (pressure vessels), and infrastructure (bridges).
Figure 5.  Damage sustained in the panel with diamond cut
Figure 6. Stiffened panel with diamond cut - load displacement from test and analysis
Figure 7. Wireless Strain - Panel with Diamond Cut

1.       Hiroshi Ide, Frank Abdi, Chau Dang, Tatsuya Takahashi, Bruce Sauer," Wireless-Zigbee Strain Gage Sensor System For Structural Health Monitoring",  SPIE DEFENSE SECURITY + SENSING Photonics in the Transportation Industry: Auto to Aerospace II Conference DS203 13 - 17 April 2009, Orlando, FL USA.
2.       A. Mossallam, F. Abdi, J. Qian, R. Miraj "Development of a Diagnostic/prognostic System (DPS) For Monitoring the Performance of a repaired Composite Military Bridges", proceeding of SPIE, Volume 6178.
3.       GENOA Durability and Damage Tolerance of Composite Structures, AlphaSTAR Corp.,, Long Beach, CA 2013.
4.       M. Garg, F. Abdi, and E. Ravey, "Multi-Physics And Multi-Scale Progressive Failure Analysis Approach to Predict Thickness Effect on Compressive Strength of Carbon/Epoxy Laminates".  SAMPE 2011 Long Beach, CA, May 23-26, 2011.
5.       M. Talagani, F. Abdi, D. Saravanos; N. Chrysohoidis, K. Nikbin, R. Ragalini, and I. Rodov; "Damage Tolerance Modeling And Validation Of A Wireless Sensory Composite Panel For A Structural Health Monitoring System", SPIE Defense, security and Sensing 2013 Conference DS207, Baltimore, MD.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Webinar on GENOA Live Tutorial, July 18th 11AM EDT/Please Register

GENOA Live Tutorial

Evaluate Where, When and Why Failure Occurs in Composite Structural Components Using GENOA

Durability & Damage Tolerance (D&DT) of composite structural components is an important task that several aerospace, automotive and other industries have to go through to ensure reliability. Traditionally, analyses are performed using homogenized ply properties. The results, however, do not predict the test because of highly heterogeneous nature of the composite plies. GENOA D&DT Software package utilizes micro-mechanics while considering uncertainties including effect of defects based methodology and empowers commercial FE solvers with several in-built specialized capabilities. The focus of the software package is to help engineers minimize testing (small to large scale) without the loss in accuracy. Score of applications have been verified against several classes (glass, carbon, etc.,) of composites.

Join the web conference on July 18th 2013 for quick start tutorial on how to navigate in GENOA and perform D&DT analysis. The demonstration will center on the following:

1) Navigate in GENOA: In-built ASTM standard coupon, test validation cases, material library, etc.,
2) Test Validated Case Study: Composite structural components D&DT analysis; Importing/Editing FE models; output shows damage evolution up to final failure including a) matrix micro-cracks, b) fiber and matrix damage, c) delamination type initiation/growth, and d) contributing modes of damage.

7/18/2013 Register Now
11 a.m. EDT

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

GENOA, MCQ-Composites to Join Altair Partner Alliance Composites Lineup

AlphaSTAR Corporation’s progressive failure analysis tools are now available to HyperWorks users 

TROY, Mich. – June 12, 2013 – The Altair Partner Alliance today announced the addition of its sixth composites partner, AlphaSTAR Corporation (ASC). HyperWorks users can now access its multi-scale progressive failure analysis (MS-PFA) software, GENOA, as well as the Material Characterization and Qualifications (MCQ) Composites Suite. GENOA and MCQ are applicable in many industries, including aerospace, automotive, wind energy and sporting goods.

“We are very pleased with the addition of AlphSTAR to the Altair Partner Alliance,” said Dr. Robert Yancey, Altair Sr. Director – Aerospace for Altair. “AlphaSTAR has been involved in composites analysis and design for many years, and it will add advanced technologies and expertise to our Partner Alliance. We have already worked with ASC for key customer projects in the past, and we look forward to more collaboration in the future.” 

GENOA is an engineering software suite that performs material characterization qualification, durability and damage tolerance (D&DT), and reliability prediction for structural design and analysis of composites structures. It augments the limitation of commercial finite element analysis (FEA) packages by providing multi-scale (micro-macro) PFA capability. GENOA was developed to cost effectively predict strength and time-dependent reliability and durability of structural components during the design stage, and to reduce experimental testing support. With the ability to predict damage and fracture evolution as well as end of life of many types of composites, GENOA takes laminated composites with either continuous or short fibers from micro-mechanics to the structural level, while considering the various operational and environmental conditions. 

MCQ-Composites, the second tool available from AlphaSTAR, predicts composite material properties, considering both fiber and matrix uncertainties. It is designed to characterize and qualify material properties that can be used as input for FEA of simple or complex structural components. MCQ allows the user to quickly generate relevant information for a given material, whether it is a composite, hybrid, or ceramic material system. MCQ provides a library of fiber, matrix and ply properties that can be easily expanded or modified for application to FE analysis. In addition, it can effectively predict fiber, matrix and composite/sandwich laminate properties, as well as stress-strain curves, ply behavior and more.

“GENOA and MCQ work together to provide users an accurate and powerful composites analysis solution,” said Dr. Anil Mehta, AlphaSTAR’s Vice President of Business Development. “HyperWorks customers will not only be able to harness the capabilities of AlphaSTAR’s software to address their questions about where, when and why their parts are failing, but also how to optimize their design to alleviate those occurrences. By utilizing advanced failure mechanisms, GENOA is able to investigate structural responses from material degradation, caused by damage induced from static, cyclic, impact, power spectrum density (PSD) and thermal loading. GENOA's PFA also is able to account for the effects of manufacturing defects, fiber waviness, springback, residual strength, moisture and temperature. By using GENOA, a wide range of material systems become available, including metals, ceramics, composites and nano composites. We look forward to working with the Altair Partner Alliance to provide the best composites solutions possible, to a broader audience.”

HyperWorks users can take advantage of the integration between GENOA and Altair’s RADIOSS solver, as well as the integration with OptiStruct, which is currently in process and will be available soon. 

Available for the last 12 years, Altair’s innovative unit-based licensing system allows HyperWorks users customizable access to a growing portfolio of applications, optimizing their return on investment (ROI) by making more than 28 in-house developed applications available by use of a single pool of recyclable HyperWorks units (HWUs). 

After experiencing this original licensing model’s success, Altair has offered the opportunity for third-party companies to run their own applications under this unit-based system, a collaboration now known as the Altair Partner Alliance. The overall flexibility of these HWUs empowers users and allows them access to the largest and most complete suite of CAE applications available, making the benefits to participating HyperWorks customers infinite. The ROI increases for users each time a new application is added to the offering, since any of the partner programs can be accessed using the same leased HWUs they are already using to run HyperWorks. This makes more than 55 additional applications available at no incremental cost or long-term commitment.

HyperWorks users can download GENOA and MCQ Composites To learn more about AlphaSTAR, GENOA or MCQ, please attend one of the introductory webinars, being held on June 26, 2013, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EDT. These webinars will be hosted by Altair and presented by AlphaSTAR.

AlphaSTAR Corporation
AlphaSTAR is a leading engineering services and software company that provides innovative physics-based simulation technologies for structural modeling and analysis of advanced composite structures in the aerospace, automotive, defense, and energy industries worldwide. Utilized in defense agencies, manufacturing companies, and universities, the company’s product line includes its core structural design and simulation software, GENOA, and also MCQ Composites, enabling customers to reduce their need for expensive physical testing by over 60%. AlphaSTAR is headquartered in Long Beach, California and is the recipient of esteemed industry and technology awards for R&D and software development. For more information, visit

About Altair
Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held, with 1,800 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 27-year track record for high-end software for engineering and computing, enterprise analytics solutions, and innovative product design and development, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. To learn more, please visit or

About the Altair Partner Alliance
Altair’s HyperWorks platform applies a revolutionary subscription-based licensing model in which customers use floating licenses to access a broad suite of Altair-developed, as well as third-party, software applications on demand. The Altair Partner Alliance effectively extends the HyperWorks Platform from 28 internally developed solutions to more than 50 applications with the addition of new partner applications. Customers can invoke these third-party applications at no incremental cost using their existing HyperWorks licenses. Customers benefit from unmatched flexibility and access, resulting in maximum software utilization, productivity and ROI. For more information about the Altair Partner Alliance,
Media Contacts:
Jennifer Korail
Airfoil for APA
+1 (248) 304-1429
Dr. Anil Mehta
Vice President of Business Development, AlphaSTAR Corporation
+1 (714) 317-2523

Source of the news: News release

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

COPV - Technical Brief - April 2013

Technical Brief
April 2013
Validation of Burst Pressure Analysis and Manufacturing Techniques for  Composite Over-wrapped Pressure Vessels

GENOA provides engineers with a validated computational approach to determine residual stresses in composite over-wrapped pressure vessels (COPV). It also identifies leakage and burst locations, as well as associated failure modes under service.

The Challenge:  To accurately determine the onset of crack formation, leakage, slippage of gas between dome and valve assembly, and rupture of COPVs.

Other challenges pertain to accurate determination of the following:
  • Ply angle distribution
  • Residual stresses due to winding and curing
  • Tank reliability due to scatter in manufacturing parameters, defects, and material properties
  • Strength allowables for risk reduction
  • Rupture due to service load:  Proof, Auto-Frottage (load, unload),  Sustained Fatigue (short, high cycles) pressurization,
  •  Slippage/Leakage prediction
  • Damage and failure multi-site locations
  • Reliability
  • Addressing variability in tank  performance considering “As-designed” versus “As-built” and “As-is”
  • Tank certification

Another challenge stems from the complexity of modeling and analysis of composite materials. Most finite element analysis (FEA) solvers assess damage at the lamina level whereby damage initiates at lower scale in the fiber, matrix, and interphase. These challenges can be addressed through an integrated capability that couples winding analysis with multi-scale progressive failure analysis, including modeling of defects and uncertainty analysis.

The Solution:  To utilize GENOA’s Filament Winding & Multi-Scale Progressive Failure Analysis

Residual stresses are calculated through GENOA’s Filament Winding (GENOA-FW) module. To calculate residual stresses, GENOA uses design parameters, such as tape tension, internal pressure, and curing effects. The tank finite element model is generated based on inputted tape thickness and width, winding angles, and wrapping circuite location during winding. The winding pattern can be optimized to reduce weight. Tanks with metallic and plastic liners or those without liner are modeled and analyzed with GENOA’s FW module. Residual stresses from autofrettage are also determined with the analysis. To ease the design of the tank, the FW module is capable of generating two distinct FEA models using:         

§         Low Fidelity: 3D thick shell elements that merges all plies into a single element thru thickness
§        High Fidelity: 3D solid where plies thru thickness are modeled with layers of solid elements

With generated FEA model and calculated residual stresses, GENOA’s multi-scale progressive failure analysis (MS-PFA) performs leakage and burst rupture analyses. The code integrates finite element analysis with multi-scale composite mechanics and damage tracking and fracture. Several FEA stress solvers are used within the GENOA environment for evaluating durability and damage tolerance of the tank. These solvers include NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ANSYS, and nodal based MHOST [1].

MS-PFA identifies all stages of damage evolution: damage/delamination initiation and growth, and probabilistic fiber stress rupture fracture initiation and growth to failure. It calculates micro-cracks, stiffness degradation in the matrix, delamination within the plies, and fiber failure in tension and compression including micro-buckling. The COPV tank can be evaluated with MS-PFA subject to static, fatigue, and impact loading conditions to accommodate tank certification process [2]. Reliability evaluation considers the uncertainties in geometry, material, fabrication process and loading [3].  It ranks the effect of considered random variables on leakage, delamination, and rupture of tank and determines the scatter in burst pressure. In addition to uncertainty analysis, a test reduction methodology for determining A- and B-basis allowable design loads is integrated. A-basis design allowables generation can be determined with reduced testing using B-basis values from accepted test methods or can be generated from lamina level uncertainties [4].

Validation: Figure 1 shows a failed composite tank that was modeled and analyzed with the software. Figure 2 shows typical filament winding input requirements supporting helical and hoop winding schemes. Data used as input includes winding schedule, tape width, and tape tension. The tanks analyzed include spherical, and cylindrical with geodesic domes. ASC validated its technical approach for both space and automotive applications and subject to extreme environmental conditions (elevated and cryogenic temperatures).  Typical analysis results are used to determine conditions for leakage, burst location, damage evolution through-the-thickness, and reliability. Filament wound composites over-wrapped tanks were considered in for the application of motor cases for solid rockets motor cases [3] Deterministic evaluation of durability and damage tolerance of tank using GENOA resulted in predicted burst pressures that are within 8.8% of the test for 4 groups of tank design. The pressurized tanks were also evaluated in presence of uncertainties in constituent stiffness and strength and manufacturing variables. The sensitivity analysis indicated that the fiber mis-alignment and ply thickness are the most influential variables that affect the burst pressure as indicated in Figure 3.  Scatter in burst pressure, A Basis Allowable as a result of considered uncertainty is shown in Figure 4. The results show that a reliability 0f 0.999 can be achieved if burst pressure is kept under 3033 psi.  When damage evolution through thickness is of concern, GENOA offers capability to generate high-fidelity solid element FE models. Figure 5 shows the snap shots from automated process to generate high-fidelity solid FE model from previously generated shell element FE model. The high-fidelity model helped account for the out-of-plane shear stresses, which results in delamination, more accurately. Figures 6 to 8 show the damage evolution at the laminate level, ply-by-ply level and final burst predictions compared to the test specimen in Figure 1.

Another validation of the capability done under the NASA space launch initiative effort [5] determines leakage in COPV at cryogenic temperatures. Analysis showed a large percentage of failure in composites initiate as matrix cracking. When matrix cracks it releases energy causing accumulation of additional cracks that continues till a saturation point. GENOA can track this initiation, accumulation and saturation process.

 Conclusion: GENOA provided a reliable and verifiable low as well as high fidelity simulation solution in determining residual stresses, identifying leakage, burst locations, and associated failure modes under service in COPV’s.

1.       S. Nakazawa, “The Mhost Finite Element Program, 3-D Inelastic Method for Hot Structure Components”, Volume 1 Theoretical  Manual,  NASA Technical Contract Report CR-182205, March, 1991.
2.       C. Keddy , “Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel Modeling and Analysis”, White Sands Test Facility, Johnson Space Center, July 2008.  
3.       G. Abumeri, F. Abdi, M. Baker, M. Triplet and, J. Griffin “Reliability Based Design of Composite Over-Wrapped Tanks”.  SAE World Congress, 2007, 07M-312, Detroit Mi, April 2007.  
4.       G. Abumeri, F. Abdi, K.S. Raju, J. Housner, R. Bohner and A. McCloskey: “Cost Effective Computational Approach for Generation of Polymeric Composite Material Allowables for Reduced Testing”, Inetch Book publishing, in print for March 2011 (Co-authored with Northrop Grumman and NIAR).
5.       F. Abdi, X. Su “Composite Tank Permeation and Crack Density Prediction and Verification”.  ASME Paper No. IMECE2003-4439 November 2003.

About AlphaSTAR Corporation: AlphaSTAR Corporation is a leading engineering services and software company that provides innovative physics-based simulation technologies for structural modeling and analysis of advanced composite structures in the aerospace, automotive, defense, and energy industries worldwide. As a solution provider, AlphaSTAR partners with Siemens PLM, Altair, ANSYS, MSC Software, DS Simulia, and LSTC. AlphaSTAR is headquartered in Long Beach, California and is the recipient of esteemed industry and technology awards for R&D and software development. Contact or

Thursday, February 7, 2013

GENOA 5 Press Release

GENOA 5 Delivers Up to 10 Times Performance Gains while its Re-Designed Graphics User Interface Maximizes Productivity

LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA (February 7, 2013) - AlphaSTAR Corporation ( announces the launch of the newest release of their Multi-Scale Progressive Failure Analysis suite, GENOA 5. Designed to cost-effectively predict strength, time dependent reliability, and durability of composite structural components with reduced physical tests, GENOA 5 is packed full with added capabilities like Filament Winding, Material Modeling, Fatigue Life, Crush & Crash Analysis, and more. This latest version will enable companies to confidently and accurately predict the validity and reliability of their products in the real world.
Specifically, GENOA 5 includes the following key enhancements and features:
  • Re-designed graphic user interface (GUI) for more user-friendliness and robustness
  • New Progressive Failure Analysis Engine for increased speed and better accuracy
  • Integration with MCQ (Material Characterization & Qualification) Suite, including Composites, Nano, Ceramics, Metals
  • Enhanced interfaces with MSC Nastran, NX Nastran, ABAQUS, ANSYS, RADIOSS, and LS-DYNA
  • Over 110 downloadable examples, including verified test validation cases and ASTM manual
  • Improved project management and file system, and online help with the GUI
"Our focus in software product development is to extend and enhance GENOA's capabilities in order to improve the multi-scale and micro-mechanics analysis of composite structures," said Dr. Anil Mehta, AlphaSTAR's VP of Business Development. "For example, customers will find that the design interface is even more empowering, user-intuitive and responsive. GENOA 5 will enable our customers to continue to foster product innovation with reduced time and cost in working with new engineered material selections for robust designs."
About AlphaSTAR Corporation: AlphaSTAR Corporation is a leading engineering services and software company that provides innovative physics-based simulation technologies for structural modeling and analysis of advanced composite structures in the aerospace, automotive, defense, and energy industries worldwide. As a solution provider, AlphaSTAR partners with Siemens PLM, Altair, ANSYS, MSC Software, DS Simulia, and LSTC. AlphaSTAR is headquartered in Long Beach, California and is the recipient of esteemed industry and technology awards for R&D and software development. Contact

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Technical Brief: Managing Defects and End of Life Prediction/Validation in Composite Wind Turbine Blades

sandiablade.jpgTechnical Brief:   Managing Defects and End of Life Prediction/Validation in Composite Wind Turbine Blades
Under a research grant from the US Department of Energy (DOE), and collaborating with Sandia National Laboratories, AlphaStar Corporation was able to solve Durability and Reliability challenges of composite wind turbine blades.
The Challenge: Determine Why, Where and How Wind Turbine Blades Fail
In the operational environment, the blades designed and built by Sandia Labs and TPI Composites (the blade manufacturer) were continually breaking (Fig. 1). The blade failures were costing Sandia and TPI valuable time, costs and resources to continually replace broken blades without understanding the root cause of the problem inherent to composite materials.
Figure1: Progressive failure analysis and test validation of Sandia?s BSDS blade under static loading
The Solution: GENOA & MCQ-Advance Multi-Scale Progressive Failure Analysis
AlphaStar with its flagship products GENOA and MCQ provided an Advanced Simulation Methodology based on Multi-Scale Progressive Failure Analysis (MS-PFA) to answer why, where and how blades fail. Also, MS-PFA assessed the durability, damage tolerance and reliability of blade structures in the presence of uncertainties in composite material properties, such as manufacturing defects. 
Why Blades Fail
Composite blade design does not consider scatter in composite material properties, manufacturing processes and resulting defects ?As-Build Vs. As-Designed?, but it relies on empirical methods to establish design allowables for sizing of composite blades. 
Where and How Blades Fail
Ply drop off due to manufacturing processes causes (Fig. 2) high local stress concentration and results in unstable crack and delamination propagation from root to tip (as shown in Figure 1).  This means that due to resin rich voids matrix has been degraded. 
MS-PFA narrowed the blade failure to the region of ply-drop off very common in composite wind turbines for material thickness transitions for inherent weaknesses created by the design; the results are supported and verified by the test. 
Figure 2.  Ply Drop off of Thick Laminates Under Tension Loading
The unique advantages of the MS-PFA approach are as follows (details in references below):
·         Material Characterization and Qualification
·         Scale up from material to structure using a building block validation strategy
·         Accurately identifies the contribution failure mechanisms during the failure evolution process
·         Conditions that cause the delamination of first ply (on-start of failure), its location as well as track progressive damage evaluation/failure of the composite blade within the plies
·         Accurately considers inter laminar material and geometric discontinuities at the ply drop offs
·         MF-PFA simulation results are in good agreement with the Physical Test Data on actual wind turbine blades; composite blade material is calibrated against available ASTM standard test data
·         Simulation reproduced strength and fatigue life as observed in the test, thus ensuring reliance and confidence in simulation in guiding the design of blades for improved performance (Fig. 3)
·         Modified design changes of key composite material in the blade resulted in weight reduction of more than  10% 

Figure 3: Progressive failure analysis and test validation of Sandia?s BSDS blade under static loading

1.        Wind-Laminate-Ply Drop: Frank Abdi, Joshua Paquette, Glenn Crans, Levon Minnetyan, Pier Marzocca,  ?Durability of Tapered Composite Laminates under Static and Fatigue Loading ?, AIAA-SDM 2011 conference, Denver Colorado
2.        Wind-Blade-Robust-Design: Galib Abumeri, Joshua Paquette, Frank Abdi,  ?Durability and Reliability of Wind Turbine Composite Blades Using Robust Design Approach?, AIAA-SDM 2011 conference, Denver Colorado, AIAA_SDM_945357reliability. 
3.         33 Meter Wind Blade OPTIM: Galib Abumeri and Frank Abdi, Joshua Paquette ?DURABILITY AND RELIABILITY OF LARGE WIND TURBINE COMPOSITE BLADES?.  SAMPE Journal  Nov/Dec 2012, Vol 48, No 6